What’s IncludedWhat’s Not Included
Assistance With Theme Installation.
If you encounter difficulties while installing your theme despite following all the instructions provided in the theme documentation, we are here to assist you and guide you in the right direction.
Complete Theme Installation From Start to Finish.
If you’re new to WordPress, or simply don’t have enough time, you can always order our theme installation service and we’ll install the theme for you.
Modifications Covered by Theme Functionality.
Minor tweaks or adjustments can be made without the need to modify theme source files or incorporate new features.
Customization Not Covered by Theme Functionality.
This includes extending or modifying your theme beyond its advertised features. For any development work, you can always refer to our custom studio.
General Guidelines on Website Speed Optimization.
The website loading time depends on many factors like server response time, image optimization, caching etc. Our Tech Support Team can check your website and point you to the steps on improving your website performance.
Support for 3rd Party Plugins.
We do not guarantee full compatibility of your theme with 3rd party plugins. Making a theme compliant with the plugin may require additional customization which is not included in support service.
Assistance With Reported Theme Bugs.
Contact our support team if you’ve found an obvious bug that prevents you from using the theme as intended.
General Guidelines on Website Speed Optimization.
The website loading time depends on many factors like server response time, image optimization, caching, etc. Our Tech Support Team can check your website and point you to the steps on improving your website performance.
Providing Information about Recommended Server Configuration.
The list of theme requirements is available in the theme documentation. Our Tech Support Team can always point you to the server configuration changes that will solve the issue you faced.
Server Environment Setup.
Issues caused by your web hosting, server environment, or software installed on your local machine go beyond our standard support service. Please contact your web hosting provider or consult the documentation for the software that you’re using to get the necessary assistance.
General Guidelines on Website Speed Optimization.
The website loading time depends on many factors like server response time, image optimization, caching, etc. Our Tech Support Team can check your website and point you to the steps on improving your website performance.
Website Speed Optimization and SEO.
Optimizing your website performance or search engine optimization is beyond our support service. Feel free to get in touch with us to get a quote on these offers.